Upcoming Events

Here you’ll find any upcoming events we have at the Star Inn including Quiz Nights and an array of incredible bands. Don’t forgot to subscribe to our Facebook page for event notifications directly in your feed.

Charity Quiz night

Charity Quiz night - July 30th 2024

The next quiz of 2024 will be raising funds for Hedgehogs

Please book by email or phone well in advance to secure places advising us of your team name and number of participants. Entry fee is £1 per person.


Jackie will be hosting the quiz with the music round from John Hobbs. There will also be a raffle so we would welcome donations for prizes.

Please note that quiz nights tend to be busy so we kindly ask you to leave your dogs or pets at home. However, there may be working dogs with the participants of the Quiz from the Charity




Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night - July 24th 2024

Open Mic night is back at the Star. The evening will be hosted by local performer Dan Hughes and if you wish you can come along and so a performance as part of the evening. Dan will be bringing some guest performers with him and making sure everyone who wants to perform gets a go.

We will be starting at 8:30.

Looking forwards to seeing you all there with your dusty Fenders and Les Pauls!

Braybrooke Morris Men

Braybrooke Morris Men - August 15th 2024

The Braybrooke Morris men will be with us on Thursday 17th August from 7:30pm. Please come along and enjoy this traditional entertainment at the Eleanor Cross.